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Website Prototype: How to Build a Website Prototype?

If you’re working with a custom web design agency, it’s likely you’ll use a prototype to help plan your website. You should do at least some basic testing of the prototype with another user in order to evaluate the effectiveness of your design and the prototype. With the resulting prototype, you should be able to completely communicate the user experience of the site.

It will teach you all the software’s details and the tools and procedures. It offers a two-day program that teaches all you need to know to master the UX design process. From how to do brainstorming and generate ideas, and then start the interface sketching. Once the widgets and icons have been added, next you need to add links for screens. Choose one widget and then go to Link Panel on the right and click on New Link. Set the gesture, action, target screen, and animation for the widget.

prototype of a website

Those things are appropriate during separate phases of the website project, but not this phase. To do this, simply click on the “Text” icon in the toolbar and then click inside of the frame to add your text. Once you have added your text, you can change the font, size, color, etc. Once you have done this, you will be given the option to choose a template or start from scratch.

Digital Assets

Speed up your prototyping process with design resources and UI components pre-installed in our free prototyping tool. Keep consistency in your Style Guides, UI component libraries, interactions, templates and other deliverables. Share your assets with design teams, business analysts and developers. There is no learning curve due to a user-friendly design. In the early phases of your website project, the focus is on user experience, function, visitor flow, and your customer’s journey. Those items must be determined first, before graphic design.

prototype of a website

Coded prototypes are created using HTML, CSS, or Javascript and provide users with a real experience of interacting with your product. Because it takes much more time and effort, coded prototypes are typically reserved for the later stages of development. Although paper prototypes can be useful when you’re still collaborating and brainstorming, many UX researchers believe they’re too basic for effective usability testing.

Footer navigation

While Figma is mostly used for designing user interfaces and apps, some designers are wondering if it can be used to build an entire website. The short answer is yes, you can use Figma to build a website. Along with your design and prototyping tools, you might consider using User Interviews to recruit and manage your research participants.

Paper prototypes, which are typically hand drawings of rough, early-stage product designs. There are a few distinct advantages of prototyping in code, mostly owing to the fact that you’re starting the design in something that resembles the final form. Today there are more reasons than ever to start coding early. The ‘I design it, you build it’ waterfall mentality taken by designers in the past has become outdated as technology advances in large strides and collaboration becomes mandatory.

Lorem Ipsum is great for low fidelity prototypes when establishing and testing fundamental features like page layout and navigation. However, when it comes to buttons, menus, forms and other elements your users need to successfully navigate your prototype, you’ll need to use real content. Now you can start to build your screen layouts, along with UI element sizing and positioning. Additionally, this is where you’ll implement a basic navigation flow and cement a core UI design. There’s no need to delve into too much detail at this stage. You’re essentially just building out a basic outline of your product’s screens that lets clients, stakeholders and users click through and test the water.

Design, prototype, and launch dynamic, responsive websites.

If you own a Vercel account, you can create a token and publish your project directly from TeleportHQ. Export and publish – While in the editor you can always view the generated code. The format of the code can be changed based on the preferred flavor of Javascript, such as React, Vue, Angular, Stencil, UIDL, and more. There are also multiple ways to structure your CSS, the choice is yours. Now that we have that defined, let’s find out how you can accomplish your goal of going from a Figma design to prototype, to a finished website, just ready for publishing.

Turn your static design files into an interactive experience—no coding required. Once you’ve prototyped multiple pages, you can move on to the full mockup design phase. This will involve figuring out color theory, typography, and images that work accordingly.

  • Give the user more than one way to complete the task; this will allow you to see which process in your prototype is most intuitive to users.
  • It’s no secret at this stage that designing high fidelity, pixel-perfect prototypes to test out on your users leads to a more user-friendly product.
  • Unmoderated user testing is typically faster and cheaper than moderated testing.
  • But be aware that you will later need to actually code these designs.
  • It is a truism to say that there are two sides to every process.

It’s also useful for early user testing and obtaining crucial stakeholder buy-in, before any advanced interaction and UI design is added. By combining our design and prototyping strength and other design, project management and user testing tools, you’ll be able to create and test hi-fi prototypes. After graphic design, developers also use the prototype to understand functionality. Remember, the graphic design is not usable; it’s an image file. The graphic designer sends the image file to a developer who then codes the website. After development, the final website is tested and launched online.

Streamline your design workflow and unify your team.

The prototype is also cool because it allows you to idealize the future site as much as possible without a significant investment of time and money, but with the maximum result. Share a snapshot of your prototype at an exact point in time. Besides that, prototypes allow you to completely overhaul them and create a new concept from the ground up.

As a natural progression, the basic navigation in the hi-fi prototype gets further iterations to create more advanced interactions. They’re a powerful way of designing any digital product because they help us experiment and test out assumptions without them erupting into costly mistakes later on down the line. Prototypes are also an ideal way to communicate functionality, interaction and UI design to all those involved. This kind of communication leads to what’s called the “iterative cycle”. Speed up your prototyping process with ready-made and frequently updated UI kits.

You’ll see below that it’s an important part of the iterative process in the agile methodology. Testing helps you explore ideas and reveal flaws so that you can rule out what doesn’t work and continue running with what does. When dealing with a less screen real estate, you need to be even more careful about which content you present to the user and the way in which you present it.

For best results, adopt an iterative approach to your prototyping, failing fast and testing often until you get on the right path. Any web or app development team will need someone who knows how to write intuitive and captivating copy for a website. UX writers, and indeed content strategists, can plan out the content that an app or website will have and help you decide on a content hierarchy. Keep your prototypes lean and focus on one feature at a time. Getting bogged down in multiple different features at a time can be chaotic and reduce the quality of important core features, as well as muddy test results.

The designer uses color, texture, and other graphic elements to make the website visually appealing. Once you have created your new Figma file, it’s time to start adding some content. Upload ready-made designs, and quickly convert them into interactive prototypes. Curated design tools provide the functionality and flexibility that your team really needs – without any unnecessary or distracting complexity. There are plenty of prototyping tools on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

HCI+D Prototyping Studio

They’re more complex and aesthetically pleasing than low-fi prototypes, making them ideal for the later stages of the design process. Because high-fi prototypes are more realistic than low-fi prototypes, they tend to produce more accurate feedback during usability testing. However, the higher the fidelity, the more time, effort, and resources are required. As its name implies, a paper website prototype is a web model created with pen and paper.


Here, designs are developed and the high-fidelity prototype is often fully functional. Naturally, this approach needs a much bigger investment of time and money. Of course, high- and low-fidelity prototypes are not to be viewed as two different entities but rather as two ends of a spectrum with a multitude of variations in between. Figma is a vector graphic design tool that is gaining popularity among web designers. It has many features that make it a great tool for prototyping websites and web applications.

It allows users to click on elements and navigate between pages. To add interactivity in Figma, simply click on the “Interact” icon in the toolbar . Now that you have added some content to your frame, you can start adding some interactivity. Interactivity is what makes a prototype website more than just an image. When we started our online journey we did not have a clue about coding or building web pages, probably just like you. Embedding a Figma prototype into your website is a quick and easy process that can really enhance your site.

This site should be independent of MHCI+D; we’re not merging them, but they are to retain their separate identities. For this example, we will be adding a link so that prototype of a website when someone clicks on our heading, they are taken to another page. To do this, simply click on the “Link” option and then specify where you want the link to go.

This said, prototyping also allows you to create an emulated example of the site operating. When we created the wireframe, we considered the grids – but they were hand drawn. Some web designers think that numerous call-to-actions offer website visitors more options on how they can convert to loyal customers. There are tons of tools on the internet for prototyping. Paper prototyping is the easiest and oldest way to sketch. It is the least technologically advanced option but still useful.

Figma is a vector drawing and animation software that allows you to create prototypes for websites, apps, and other digital products. You can share your Figma prototypes with others by embedding them into your website. This is a great way to share your work with potential clients or employers. As you can see, this prototype is far more detailed than the paper prototypes and more clearly delineates the user flow throughout the website.


Label your sections and set them with different background colors. This will make it easy to identify them, and will allow you to easily move them about. At this stage, it’s a great idea to make sure that the header and sections are shown with the actual content they will be intended to hold.

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Website Prototype: How to Build a Website Prototype?
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